Scale transformation

{ scale: ... }

The scale transformation exposes vue-gg's built-in scaling functionality as a data transformation.


Type Description Result
Object Object containing scaling instructions per new column New scaled columns added to dataframe


The instructions given to scale are passed as an object with the keys being new column names, and the values being instructions to create those columns:

{ scale: { <column a>: ..., <column b>: ... } }

These instructions have the following format:

{ <column a>: { prop: ..., column: ..., scale: ... } }

Where prop is a String respresenting the name of the prop that the data will be used for, column is a String representing the name of the column in the data frame that will be transformed, and scale is a scaling definition. There are two caveats here: when using a coordinate prop (like x, y, x2, h...), the range scaling option is obligatory, and it is not allowed to use domains or columns from other data scoped.

  :data="{ a: [1, 2, 3, 4] }"
    scale: {
      b: { prop: 'x', column: 'a', scale: { domain: 'a', range: [2, 8] } }

  <!-- Data scope: {
    a: [1, 2, 3, 4],
    b: [2, 4, 6, 8]
  } -->
