Component tag



The Grid component is used to quickly position and align 'square' components in a grid format. 'Square' here refers to any component that has x1, x2, y1 and y2 props. This includes the Section component, the Rectangle mark, and any custom component that you would want to create, given it has the props mentioned above.


Prop Required Types Default Description
rows depends Number undefined Max. number of rows the grid can have
cols depends Number undefined Max. number olf columns the grid can have
layout-padding false [Number, Object] 0 Padding with respect to parent element
cell-padding false [Number, Object] 0 Padding between child elements
start false String 'b' Start filling from top ('t') or bottom ('b')

The Grid component requires either the rows, or the cols prop. If you use both, or neither, the component will throw an error. The number given to rows or cols will be the maximum number of respectively rows or columns that the grid will be allowed to have. So, let's say that we set the rows to 3, and we use the Grid component to position 5 Section components. This will give us a grid of three rows, and 2 columns, with the 5 Sections positioned to 5 grid cells and one grid cell left empty (see positioning sections below).

layout-padding and cell-padding can both take either a number, or an object of the following form:

  l: ...,
  r: ...,
  b: ...,
  t: ...

where l, r, b and t are all optional.

There are two main ways of using the Grid component:

  1. A number of Sections can be put into the Grid directly, manually or with v-for
  2. A number of Sections can be created with the Map component

Both will be discussed below.


Positioning Sections

When placing the Section components directly into the Grid component, all the Section's coordinate props (x1, y2, w, etc.) must be left out- these will automatically be determined by the Grid component. Note that the positioning starts from the bottom left, and that rows will be filled out before columns. See the example below:

    t: 10,
    l: 15,
    r: 5

    v-for="color in ['#2A5B84', '#AAC4D1', '#EBC137', '#FEFAE1', '#BD8025']"
    :scale-x="[0, 1]"
    :scale-y="[0, 1]"

    <vgg-rectangle :x1="0" :x2="1" :y1="0" :y2="1" :fill="color" />



Position Sections with the Map component

The Grid component can also be used in combination with the Map component. See the example below, where we create one Section for each row in the data, which are scaled and positioned into a grid layout automatically:

<vgg-data :data="{ fruit: ['apple', 'banana', 'coconut', 'durian', 'eggplant'] }">

  <vgg-grid :cols="3" :cell-padding="5">

    <vgg-map v-slot="{ row }">

      <vgg-section :scale-x="[0, 1]" :scale-y="[0, 1]">

          :fill="{ val: row.fruit, scale: {
            domain: 'fruit',
            range: ['#2A5B84', '#AAC4D1', '#EBC137', '#FEFAE1', '#BD8025']
          } }"



