Filter transformation

{ filter: ... }

filter will throw away all rows that do not satisfy a certain condition. Note that the row will disappear in all columns, even if your condition only involves one column!


Type Description Result
Function Function that takes current (row, index) as arguments Row is removed if Function does not return true


To keep all rows that satisfy a certain condition, write a filter function that returns true when that condition occurs. For example, to keep all rows where value is smaller than 3:

  :data="{ value: [1, 2, 3, 4], color: ['red', 'red', 'green', 'blue'] }"
  :transform="{ filter: row => row.value < 3 }"

  <!-- Data scope: { value: [1, 2], color: ['red', 'red'] } -->


Inversely, to throw away all rows that satisfy a certain condition, write a filter function that returns false when that condition occurs. For example, to throw away all rows where the color is red:

  :data="{ value: [1, 2, 3, 4], color: ['red', 'red', 'green', 'blue'] }"
  :transform="{ filter: row -> row.color !== 'red' }"

  <!-- Data scope: { value: [3, 4], color: ['green', 'blue'] } -->
